Hello all NZ Minor Political Parties,
I would like to make a call of collaboration to you.
I am noticing that
1- The country is being sold out, piece by piece, at different times and in different ways.
Opening up the possibility for the likes of Black Rock to take control (1) (2)
2- Kiwis continue to be ripped off and impoverished, because of the carelessness of officials (3)
3- Government and state officials can do whatever they want to the country and still walk free (4) (5)
and there is no opposition disrupting the trend.
This is the same condition that allows officials and the establishement and career politicians in the Arab world and African countries
to sell out their countries,
to destroy education, health services and the economy,
to bring catastrophies (6)
and even start armed conflicts, between them, with absolute and total impunity.
I've been living in NZ for a few years now,
and I am seeing the same general pattern happening, here.
Please come back to politics (some patries have completely signed off after the election)
and please work and pull your resources together
to create, with the public, the true opposition that will
stop privatization
stop impoverishing people
and stop the impunity
(to name only some areas that NZers should fix.)
Please, do not wait for the day you are in the government. It might be too late to do anything, then.
Your success will benefit not only future generations of Kiwis, but the whole world, who will copy and adapt your experience.
Thank you
(1) After the partial or total sell out of the Airport, the Downtown Carpark, and certainly other assets,
Auckland City Council is now looking at leasing the port operations!!!
Soon, it will be the turn of the transport, reservers and parks, sports facilities, the library, etc...
and then the Council will iterate on all these assets to sell more.
(2) Whoever believes privatization is a good thing for the country please read
and Daylight Robbery of Ian Wishart
(3) An example of carelessness : https://www.taxpayers.org.nz/waitaki_ratepayers_left_holding_the_bag
(4) https://www.taxpayers.org.nz/not_since_mike_moore_have_new_zealanders
(5) No investigation on the response to the pandemic. NZers should not rely solely on Winston Peters to do this. It might remain on the back burner for years, until the Labor takes over again.
(6) The catastrophic Beirut port blast in August 4, 2020
List of recipients:
-nz minor parties
-Socialist equality website
-Socialists Auckland
List of recipients I thought should be aware of this call to the above receipients:
-taxpayers union
-voters united
-some news outlets
-some influencers
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